Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Break! Titan Forge - New Lobotomy Teaser

Titan Forge published a new teaser for their upcoming boardgame Lobotomy:

Apart from showing our miniatures, we also presented for a first time our another project - LOBOTOMY. As you can see in the picture, we did some flyers about it - a lot of people were interested! LOBOTOMY will be a board game, with the action concentrating around escaping from mental hospital. Sounds cool? Add a whole bunch of miniatures made by Titan Forge - monsters and heroes alike, and couple that with highly detailed board and very interesting rules made by experienced board game passionates - thats what LOBOTOMY will be! Interested? But thats for all you board game geeks, what's in it for tabletop gamers you ask?
Link: Titan Forge 

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